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Argument Analysis

Understand and resolve arguments by surveying facts and opinions

+ Create 
Create a SWOT Analysis to Evaluate Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats
Create a PEST Analysis to focus on Political, Economic, Social, and Technological factors
Create a Gap Analysis to understand your current vs future state 
Create a Stop, Start, Continue to analyze what's working, what's not working
Create a Scrum Board leveraging an agile process framework
Create an OKR Goal to set ambitious objectives and outcome based key results
Create a Pros and Cons Analysis to strategically vet any decision
Create a V2MOM Plan inspired by the CEO of Salesforce to set annual goals
Create a Problem Solving Analysis to solve problems by focusing on the cause and effects
Perform an Alignment Planning Process to solidify your purpose, mission, goals, and core values
Create a Candidate Analysis to make better hiring decisions 
Create a To Do List Online leveraging three custom views

What is Argument Analysis?

A simple, non-emotional way to work through arguments by leveraging a structured approach. List out your facts and opinions, ask your peer to then list out their facts and opinions.

My Facts

My facts.  Non-emotional, just the facts.

Your Facts

Your facts.  Non-emotional, just the facts.

My Opinions

My opinions.

Your Opinions

Your opinions.

How to Perform an Argument Analysis

1  Define the argument objective

Why are we arguing?  What is the outcome we seek in this argument?  How do we make sure we are all aligned on the purpose.

2  Create an online Argument Analysis & invite your team to share their input

Use this online Argument Analysis TempIate and invite your team to share their input and rate the top ideas.

3  Invite your team to share their input on what should be most important

List out as many items as your team can brainstorm for each quadrant. Then rate the top items by clicking on the star to float them to the top.

4  Distribute the final analysis

Share the final analysis so everyone is on the same page and can refer back to this discussion.

When to use an Argument Analysis?

Any Specified Objective

For any goal, objective, decision where their is diagreement

Product Strategy

What features are most important to add?   Should we expand into a new vertical?

Process Strategy

Is the current process effective?  Is the proposed process a good fit?

Customer Analysis

Have some fun with your customer debating the merits of a disagreement.  Use this as a playful boxing ring.

Partner Analysis

A friendly but structured approach to working though a disagreement can improvement existing relationships.

Finance Strategy

Should we raise or lower prices?  Should we hire more sales reps?  Should we expand into Asia?

Online Argument Analysis Template

Argument Analysis Examples

Be the first to submit your Argument Analysis to be featured here.  Send us your public link for your Argument analysis.  We will feature the best Argument Analysis from all industries.